Maintain proposed values using trace evaluations
Create permissions for customising
By correcting SAP Note 1692243, you can now also use the report in a ZBV (Central User Management) environment; It is no longer limited to individual clients. If the role assignment of the ZBV in the SCUM transaction is set to global, it is sufficient if the correction is recorded in the central client. Then it is only possible to execute the report in the central client. Furthermore, you have the option to select the ZBV's subsidiary systems from the Receive System drop-down box in such a way that only the systems in which the role assignment is to be consolidated or deleted are taken into account. In the results list of the consolidated role assignment, you will now be listed in the ZBV-System column the subsidiary systems where consolidation or deletion took place.
Conceptually, the user types Database User and Technical User are distinguished. Database users are users that represent a real person in the database. As soon as a Database User is deleted, all (!) database objects created by this Database User are also deleted. Technical users are users who perform technical tasks in the database. Examples include the SYS and _SYS_REPO users, which allow administrative tasks such as creating a new database object or assigning privileges.
A careless handling of the permissions with sensitive employee data can go quite nicely in the pants. Prevent uncontrolled and extensive reporting access to your HCM data by properly using the P_ABAP authorization object. In many companies, the correct use of P_ABAP is not known. As a result, there are often false expressions that, in the worst case, allow uncontrolled reporting access to all data in the logical database PNPCE (or PNP). This way, you can again erase your access restrictions, which were previously painstakingly defined in a permission concept. Therefore, it is necessary to test the use of P_ABAP in individual cases and to use the existing limitations. In the following we describe the logic behind this authorization object and what it is important to avoid.
You can also monitor security alerts from the Security Audit Log via the Alert Monitoring of your Computing Centre Management System (CCMS). The security warnings generated correspond to the audit classes of the events defined in the Security Audit Log. Many companies also have the requirement to present the events of the Security Audit Log in other applications. This requires evaluation by external programmes, which can be done via the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) BAPIs. You must follow the XMI interface documentation to configure it. You can also use the RSAU_READ_AUDITLOG_ EXTERNAL sample programme as a template. A description of this programme can be found in SAP Note 539404.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
The freeware Scribble Papers puts an end to the confusing paper chaos. The tool is also suitable for storing, structuring and quickly finding text documents and text snippets of all kinds in addition to notes.
Basically, you use the transaction SU25 for this purpose.
We have already seen some negative examples of companies that wanted too much at once and then "got it wrong." When it comes to securing business processes in particular, it is important to ensure that the employees affected are picked up and involved.