Innovation services and solutions
We offer support models tailored to your needs with flexible switching options. Our support can be obtained on a daily or hourly quota basis according to your needs.
Mainly the internal IT staff take over the maintenance, which could instead also push the further development of their own digital processes and applications. A resource conflict is inevitable. Especially if your company is also taking the first steps towards digital transformation and wants to switch from the SAP ECC ERP system to SAP S/4HANA in the near future.
Outsourced SAP Support frees up IT resources
With "Next-Generation Support", SAP promises its customers self-service components, digital interaction with support in real time, a particularly good digital customer experience, for example through build-in support with the help of SAP CoPilot, and the use of innovations such as AI and Machine Learning. Objective: Enquiries should be answered in real-time, as far as possible, as a prerequisite for real-time business models. At the DSAG Annual Congress 2018, I wanted to know from Andreas Heckmann, Head of SAP Support, what support services SAP customers will need in the future, how SAP will support end-to-end digital processes in hybrid systems, where the differences between ECC and SAP S/4HANA support requests lie, and what impact innovations (machine learning, AI, predictive analytics, ...) have on SAP support.
Supporting end users is a difficult task, especially if you are an SME. You may not have the necessary manpower or internal skills to provide solutions to all potential problems. In addition, constantly changing business requirements put IT departments under constant pressure to meet quality, predictability, and responsiveness requirements. We provide first-level support and work directly with your end users to continue maintenance and user support if you do not want to build an internal SAP support capability. Or we can add second-level support to your internal helpdesk and complement your existing team for complex problem solving and improvement.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and faster to complete many SAP support tasks.
Leverage the full potential of your vision of smart business with first-class on-site access to our experts' knowledge, tools, and methods to help you achieve the expected results with your SAP solutions.
Our experts ensure a timely release with short reaction and solution times.
A note box in which data of all kinds can be quickly filed and retrieved. This is what Scribble Papers promises. At first, the program looks very spartan. But once a small structure is in place, you realise the great flexibility of this little helper.