Differentiation between homogeneous and heterogeneous SAP system copy
Planning Guide for the Connector for SAP Landscape Management
We will be happy to advise you and work out the most suitable solution for you together with you - so that you profit 100% from Systemcopy as a Service. Contact us.
Administrators and SAP maintainers in the x86 world under Windows and various Unix derivatives can nowadays choose from a wealth of software solutions for system support. In contrast, administrators in the System i world and SAP support staff in this environment are often left to their own devices. Nevertheless, the special system architecture and the peculiarities of the DB2 database integrated in the operating system, as well as the specific applications, also pose challenges for system tool developers.
We take over your SAP system copies as a service
As mentioned above, an SAP system copy created for updates is a special use case of homogeneous system copy. Here, a production system represents the source and a non-production system with a specific long-term task in the SAP system landscape represents the target. The most common update scenario involves updating a QA system in the SAP transport system.
The freeware Scribble Papers puts an end to the confusing paper chaos. The tool is also suitable for storing, structuring and quickly finding text documents and text snippets of all kinds in addition to notes.
Without interrupting operations, we copy your systems using established methods and products. We guarantee consistent quality and reliable reproducibility through standardized processes and a high degree of automation. Due to the SAP system copy, the test and development systems are up to date and tests can be performed reliably and trustworthily on the non-production systems.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" supplement missing functions in the area of SAP system copy.
Regardless of the storage size, this process takes only a few seconds.
Heterogeneous system copies or platform migrations are not supported by the HP StorageWorks System Copy software for SAP and are therefore not discussed further in this document.